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Reading The Future Digital Marketing Trends

Reading The Future Digital Marketing Trends

April 2019 – Improve AgencyDigital marketing is a term that is used to refer to the ways of marketing products and cryptocurrency web design services with the help of digital technology. While internet remains the number one medium of digital marketing, the others are mobile phones, display advertising and some other digital mediums.

Digital marketing saw major development round the 90s and 2000. Since then the brands and businesses have seen a sea change in the use of technology for marketing. With people using more and more digital marketing services are also seeing a constant rise. The digital marketing campaigns are increasingly getting popular and efficient as well and the 10kb digital platforms are now being increasingly used in the marketing plans of brands and businesses.

Popular digital marketing trends for 2020


  • Content Marketing


Content marketing has stepped up in the last few years and has been helpful as well. It helps the customers to stay more informed, aware, educated as well as entertained. But in the rat race of increasing the content volume, there has been a lot of unnecessary content being published online.


  • Live videos


There has been a sudden increase in the popularity of live videos after they were introduced in 2016. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram are all taking advantage of its success already. With their popularity on a constant rise, it is only obvious for the brands and businesses to get involved.


  • Native advertising


While native advertising might sound like an old school fundamental, it is likely to gain prominence in 2017 due to the diminishing impact of other forms of advertisements. The main reasons for this diminishing impact are ad blockers, decline in banner ads, and reduced reach of social media. All this is bound to give a push to native advertising.


  • Use of Big Data


While Big data is here for a few years now, it has not been used to its capacity. Various market researches indicate that Big data is all set to grow in the coming years. As the businesses continue to grow, its market is expected to increase from $1.7 billion in 2016 to $9.4 billion by the year 2020.


  • Use of mobiles


This is a digital marketing trend that is popular ever since internet was introduced on cell phones and is predicted to be very much there for a number of years to come. The fact that the mobiles have taken over the use of desktop for internet use is a clear indicator that the use of mobiles as a marketing trend in the digital world is here to stay.


  • Wearable technology


Wearable technology is getting more popular in the coming year. The technology is going to improve, it will have more fans and the prices will come down slashing. Slow and steady use is predicted.


  • Chatbots


Chatbots were getting popular in 2017. Talking to faceless machines and getting one’s queries solved, getting support 24X7 or to say artificial intelligence was here to stay in 2017.